This zip file will update your copy of Shadows of Cairn to Build 20. Instructions: 1) If you use the Windows version of Shadows of Cairn, copy CAIRN.EXE to your WINEXE directory (by default C:\CAIRN\WINEXE). Note that this file is not included in the CAIRN20D.ZIP file. 2) If you use the DOS version of Shadows of Cairn, copy HMIDRV.386 and CAIRNDOS.EXE to your DOSEXE directory (by default C:\CAIRN\DOSEXE). Note that this file is not included in the CAIRN20W.ZIP file. 3) If your current build of Shadows of Cairn is less than 16 (see the about box - the last 3 digits of the version number are the build number), copy FOLEY2.OBL to your SFX directory (by default C:\CAIRN\SFX Note: you may need to create this directory by typing "MD C:\CAIRN\SFX"). This adds sound effects for the Medusa and Cupid in the hedge maze. It will not hurt to copy the file even if your current build number is 16 or later. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginner's instructions: To copy a file, type the following at a command prompt: copy FILE.XXX DRIVE:\DIRECTORY\FILE.XXX For example, to copy the Windows Shadows of Cairn file type: copy CAIRN.EXE C:\CAIRN\WINEXE\CAIRN.EXE